Great post Ed, we get a thought and decide to move that thought forward to creation. God tests us to see how determined we are in creating that creation. God puts obsticles in front of us to distract us from that creation. Sometimes to the point we almost give up on that creation. It's a test of your focus. Those things you really desire, you will over come the obsticles with ease. If you maintain your focused attention. When you divert your attention or start to make excuses, you slow the process. Alot depends on how big of a leap of faith you have to take. If it's small and inconsequential, we get the attitude if it's meant to be it will happen and let it go. Many times it's in the letting go that allows us to achieve the minor goal.. Larger goals and bigger leaps of faith require more focus as God sees this as a test of faith. You will be significantly tested, yet the reward for your continued focus is worth the end result due to the increased faith and belief you gain by achieving that which seemed unachieveable.... Keep doing what you do....Peace...

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Thank you Grow. I think you said it better than I did!

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